Elizabeth Pascoe

So, back to the disciplines evoked by the universal law, when we try to turn our children into an homogenised “accredited product” employers for the use of, money for the making with, we are going against creation. It is therefore profoundly wrong. I am sure we all sense that. That doesn’t mean that our children don’t need to be “schooled” to be “civilised” within our “tribe” or herd (just like young elephants) but that need not be with either carrot or stick. It will come about naturally, from the intrinsic relationships, as long as they exist. I rather wonder if a child who has her own TV in her own room from 3 years old (to keep her “good and quiet”) followed by her own computer in her own room from 4 years old (to keep her “amused”) has much chance of developing relationships. Such is the current quandary. I wait to see in the longer term how she turns out.

So to line up / reiterate the bad things we do these are

We disrupt relationships usually for the sake of expediency (often profit motivated whether that be financial or for reasons of power).

We create a new reality in which intrinsic relationships aren’t given “space”

We repeatedly accumulate, against the natural order, critical mass variously

We try to superimposed and enforce what we consider order onto the order that reality / creation has evolved through and with, in total ignorance of how it all actually works.

We homogenise so that we can judge and evaluate and “stamp” items (and by so doing reduce the capacity of individuals to develop their own judgement skills, for example if the eggs past their sell-by date, is it not imperative they be thrown away, especially if someone points out when they are cracked open that there is nothing whatever wrong with them). Tragic when the item is children

We accumulate power, go against the natural tendency of creation to delegate power. We even go out of our way to disempower (others). We “join things up” this one is hard to describe exactly, maybe “tie things together” is better. In broad terms one might call it globalisation, and an example of what this can precipitate is a domino effect. The Wall Street crash is the sort of scenario that then occurs. Creation doesn’t do that. That is why it has lasted so long. The domino effect issue is slightly different to “critical mass” as it is linear not exponential in nature. We orchestrate this in a variety of ways, possibly through contracts or other externally contrived commercial interdependencies. Business used to work by intrinsic relationships just as do other things. Not so any more. Part of the pattern of creation is that things have to be able to work discretely. So that for example when a man dies although it no doubt affects the lives of others, they don’t also die. Thanks to the complexities of modern markets the domino effect is ominously present.

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