Elizabeth Pascoe

Call it what you like

Whoever you are, this is for you.

It isn’t science, it isn’t philosophy, it isn’t religion, it isn’t economics and it isn’t politics. Well, none of them exactly. It is between them all and encompasses them all. It could be used to explain how the current global financial crisis has come about. It could have predicted it, could indicate in the most general terms what we ought to do about it. It also explains why society is “falling apart”, not despite our efforts, but because of our efforts. Goodness knows where, if this had been a book (as it was going to be if I had completed it when I had intended in 1971) would have been most appropriate to file it. By good fortune a website is a far more convenient format, plus I don’t have to please any publisher. Trying to lay it out linearly was apparently beyond me this last almost 40 years (that and the many distractions / apparent inability to prioritise). This way you can hop to the other “chapters”. But I ask you to please try to get through these 20 or so pages all in one “bite”, not looking at the links (in blue) before you do that. That is why I have kept it so cropped. So, you can call it what you like, hopefully not rubbish, but, if it is, then so be it, and no-one will take much notice / it won’t do any harm. I call it “my life’s work” and I owe it an airing, just in case it is indeed as useful as I believe. I anticipate a “window” of opportunity in a couple of months’ time, when some people may be Google-ing my name regarding Edge Lane, Liverpool. That isn’t what this is about, although it will be evident it isn’t unrelated. Actually there’s nothing at all that isn’t related.

The reason it is for you, each of you, will unfold as I go on. But for now, in short, it is because we all need to “pull our own weight” and by so doing add to the “viscosity” of humanity (which of late has been quite obviously coming “unstuck”) upon which our own branch (and the rest) of creation now needs to float. We are now implemental in the entire creative process (not just the evolution of our own species, with which our interventions are certainly capable of altering, away from the “survival of the fittest” general rule) due to our recent “super-human” technology (knowledge / powers). We are at some threshold between the egocentric toddler (who sends messages into the sky to potential aliens, saying “look at me aren’t I nice?” oblivious to not only what we have done to our closest cousins, other apes, but what all cultures have done to their own females, not just other nations) and a youth entering a very precocious puberty so that he can create life, even has the strength to move mountains, but is still too immature to cope with the consequences.

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