Elizabeth Pascoe

So, such as this is what I want to explain, in the simplest, most fundamental of terms, tracking it all back to that it was due to our immature mentality tripping us up. All this “enlightenment” comes from the gut reaction of that not quite 15 year old girl (me) to the “heat death” scenario and feeling totally betrayed. The universe she was just getting to know / have explained, regarding how a rainbow works, why a ruler “bends” when viewed standing in water, why we look upside down in the back of a shiny spoon and wonder at, totally enjoy, that mysteries could be explained. That was what I sought from physics, not that the universe was going to “die” in damp squid style. What a let down. How dare anyone drop that one on me just as I was getting started!

If that girl had come from a more educated / schooled / brainwashed / passive (in the “civilised” way of things) sophisticated background, the “alarm bell” would not have rung. (My culture would have already emasculated my guts). Then I would never have come up with this, and told you and we would all simply carry on regardless not realising how it was that we were running ever harder entirely against the grain of the way the universe works, trying hard to escape the unacceptable / unsustainable reality we are creating as well as the inevitable reality by which the universe is obliged to work, for example the protective role of pain and suffering (see elsewhere). We would continue building even greater barricades, and inventing new contrivances to prevent us from slipping hopelessly into the pit we were digging ourselves, rather than learning to “surf”. (An example of where we are going (predictably) wrong would be the man-made “super-bugs”, eg salmonella and latest form of TB, never mind “the coming plague” (along the lines of SAARS as predicted by Laurie Barrett), not just the broad spectrum spectre of literally devastating climate change as two thirds of the cities of the world are anticipated to find themselves below sea level by the end of this century). So “The time is nigh”. I do not say that reading this will “save” us from the mess we have created, but it might at least give us some idea after we have “cleared up” how to start again. It could be said that this is an excuse for the introduction of anarchy. In real time I suppose this might explain how it is possible that a sustainable order could be achieved by “a degree of” anarchy (if that idea isn’t totally schizophrenic). The term anarchy is often misinterpreted. It is (as most things) a two sided coin. From my dictionary it means “complete absence of law or government: a harmonious condition of society in which government is abolished as unnecessary: utter lawlessness. It is very different from chaos, which is complete disorder. I don’t in fact suggest anarchy, government (and its side-kick law) may have their functions, as long as they are kept in their place, rather than the tendency to become tails wagging the dog.

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