Elizabeth Pascoe

As far as I can see the concept of the devil was introduced to be a scapegoat for our “sins” more like inadequacies (lack of good, lack of substance). We can surely create hell on earth. We need no devil to help us. We are entirely capable. Hell to punish the “wrong-doers” seems most unlikely, even if (like me) it is so very tempting to wish that certain persons who have done very nicely for themselves having exploited the misfortunes of others, would “in the end” get their come-uppance.

Where do I imagine creation is taking us (other than to “eternity”)? Well one possibility is that if we can become wise enough not to destroy the planet and ourselves we could continue to evolve and “surf” the various catastrophes such as future meteorite impact, so that by the time this solar system dies we will have moved on to the next, and then the next, possibly using cryogenics, I have no idea. We can imagine possibly reasonably accurately the next 100 years (the plans for which certainly need to be addressed as climate change is set to drown over 50% of the cities of the world in that time frame) but 5 billion years is well beyond the imagination of any of us for now. Maybe we will be able to “beam up” everyone, having sent out scouts (with the technology to do the job once they arrive) to travel at the speed of light a million years before, or even be able to “make” a planet or even a solar system or galaxy a bit nearer home to continue our existence.

Our species has evolved from the first of its type, rather rat like, since 65 million years back, and looked roughly recognisable only 3 million years ago, and only in the last 200 years have we begun to realise how creation works. How can we possibly predict now what the future brings, what we might be by the time this solar system dies, and then the next, and the next, infinitely? But I can see this life now, and where we are going, and see we are getting it wrong, and that we will destroy so much that is beautiful, that we have no right to destroy, and we will utterly regret if we mindlessly so do. Yes destruction is part of change, but change isn’t always progress, in fact what we are doing now potentially throws everything that we are capable of, (including the destiny of our species to cope with knowledge), into a place from which there is very little hope of rescue, hell if you like, and won’t those of us who may manage to survive regret that? Fault will be allocate-able, and the fault will be ours, that we have allowed ourselves to behave like jealous spoiled ignorant children, playing with matches.

Just remember: “The tendency of the universe is towards maximum diversification” (not disorder) and work out the rest for yourselves.

So, phew, I managed it eventually within the twenty pages I allowed myself. I hope you also manage to get through it at one “gulp”. I have various other things to say all of which relate to this “backbone”, which I hope will also be useful. And of course you “ought” to know who I am.

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