Elizabeth Pascoe

So, there is nothing to worry about regarding either science or maths for almost all of us almost all of the time, except of course we are now utterly dependent on scientists to keep those satellites up there working for us. (My long sentences might be a problem though. I thought I ought to mention such as that. Not a bad thinker am I, but am a mediocre writer). The science can be done, but it isn’t going to be (herein) because a) even though I used to be able to do it I can’t remember / be bothered even to phone a friend, and b) for 99.99% of the population it would bore them witless, scientists included. I am going to talk about ideas though, and these “bridge the gap” between science and religion and most other everyday things that bother us most of the time which have apparently not-a-lot to do with either. Now to plunge into what I have to say in very specific terms (explained in I hope just enough detail to give you a handle on the value of it / what I’m talking about).

The entropy law states “the universe tends towards maximum disorder”. As far as 20,000 feathers are concerned and the state of my “filing system” that seems a reasonable representation of reality (in the short term). Those few words when extrapolated from have then been utilised to predict that the universe will end in what is termed “heat death”. That means that everything in the universe gradually gets as mixed up, worn out, untidy and messy as possible. So that every single thing that could happen will happen until nothing else can happen, a sort of super-stalemate, an all encompassing manifestation of Sod’s law. Heat death because whenever anything happens heat gets wasted, it is the sort of lowest common denominator. Which is why joggers ought to plan their route so that they don’t go past the pub, for various health reasons, even since smoking was banned, such as catching a chill (unless they do actually stay until they have cooled off / dried out etc, but then there are other considerations: nothing is quite so useless as a “legless” jogger). Reality is complex is it not? If speaking in structural mechanical terms the multi-dimensional nature of it all would require the sort of calculation required of an “indeterminate structure” (but much worse) which “pattern” is also reflected by the stability of any “ecosystem” being related to the number of “species” present, and their lack of absolute dependence one species for another being avoided, although as an entity of many species holistic relationships are essential. (And isn’t that also a clue for social systems?) Sorry if that got a bit too scientific for some, all I was trying to illustrate was that reality is more complex than maths, and there are similar patterns within reality everywhere we look.

“So what” you immediately say (re the heat death scenario) “that isn’t for quite a few billions of years yet, and there’s nothing I can do about it”. Quite so, say I, but meanwhile we are living with the sort of mind set that relates to that way of looking at things and it is the mind set that the entropy law as currently accepted / “practiced” springs from, that is then extrapolated from (and actually inadvertently precisely identifies, the mind set I mean), that causes so very many of our problems, one might even say “the root cause”. It identifies that we assume “disorder” looms and so evidently we, as a species, have the amazingly strong tendency towards being control-freaks (given half a chance. And exceptionally incompetent c-f’s at that, and moreover we apparently remain oblivious to that fact). The rest of us need you, every last one, to understand how to have even more of a good time (along the lines of the best things in life are free, not just free of financial cost, but free of all cost) whilst “saving ourselves and each other, and the planet” (from ourselves). That, as according to the song, “Money is the root of all evil” is something of an indicator of what we value. Apparently for most people that “power” is part of the “argument” which I will illustrate (I hope clearly) is virtually absurd. (To give someone power over you, then pay him megabucks for so doing, might be OK if that someone knew better than you what was good for you. As it is unlikely he knows you, or possibly has never used the “product” that he has “shares” in, are his decisions that affect your life likely to be of any benefit to you, or anyone else, other than of course him?) The Achilles heel of all endeavours is our mentality. We need to turn the tide on that control-freakery and see it for what it is, which is both dangerous and unaffordable.

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